Medium is an electronic monochord. It consists of a tree branch, two stones, two nails, a long steel string, and a contact microphone. It is made anew immediately prior to the Aliens' performance. It is perfect for making sound broadly impregnated with overtones.

The Moon performative lecture was the last in a series of lectures on the Gylleboverket platform for contemporary art and film in the vicinity of the Swedish city of Simrishamn and took place in September 2022.
A&M install a sound vibration in space, extracting fan wave interference from electronic monochords, turning time and space into a place for an event. What can sound do? Sound manifests being. Reflecting on the future, it returns to us, waiting on stumps, bunks, and suitcases for the return of Proserpine.
Medium is the electronic version of the Pythagorean monochord. It is extremely simple — a tree branch, two stones, two nails, steel string, and a contact microphone. It is made anew every time, immediately prior to the Aliens' performance. It is the perfect tool for installing sound impregnated with overtones. The Medium and the sound from it constitute a singular art object, the installation of which in space takes place using special performative practice.
Tools of Disclosure is a part of Bubble Opera: a series of performative acts implemented by the Rabota on the territory of ZKM/HfG in Karlsruhe, Germany in 2017-2018 as an institutional intervention.
Sound performance, viewed from the perspective of a contemporary art spectator unexpectedly turns out to be a provider of raw musicality. We call it (Music) in brackets.
All personal possession of the artists were bounded together and suspended on the six strings as a weight for the tension. The strings were the drivers for the processual performing of the sounds collected and selected by the artists, especially for the event. Six suspended objects formed the playground for performative procedure lasted 6 hours until the installation got broken.
Music that arose by chance from the fragments of a branch, a stone on a string and an electric organ in the hall of a large tired museum.
Marika Krasina and Anton Krivulya are trying to get Boris Yeltsin to play the drums.
Video that we recorded in the Moscow flat, in the days when we were passionate about an investigation on Medium.
The artists' atelier in Budapest turned in two months into a performative space in which artists experimented with research in the field of phenomenology.