Six Stones, 2022, Dresden
Six Stones, 2022, Dresden
Six Stones, 2022, Dresden
Six Stones, 2022, Dresden
Ritual in Dresden. Performance. 2022
We live about the war. War has the gravity of a black hole, causes dizziness, and involves falling. This hole absorbs space, time (how fast those three months have passed), bodies, and lives. She consumes souls. How can we oppose this black matter of war? A ritual that creates its own gravity.
Ritual in Dresden. Performance. 2022
The Ritual in Dresden performance was held during the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, became an expression of rage against the inhumanity and atrocities of the unjust war and solidarity with the people and the army of Ukraine. Our task was to draw attention to the topic of the need to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons.