Tidy Room
A performative installation exhibited in Karlsruhe consisted of several paintings, a video projection, and a large pile of left things painted white. Poly Gallery space was filled with objects found by Marika Krasina and Anton Krivula on the streets of Karlsruhe: abandoned household appliances, furniture, dishes, and unnecessary things that were pushed out the door by the householders. The core of the work was the text projection delivering the message:
“Content is the main output of production and consumption, the way of control and suppression. For the machine of content circulation, it does not matter what kind of content to produce. Institutions involved in the circulation of content lose their independence and become a tool of enslavement. All economic and social activities are engaged in the production, processing, and logistics of content. They are packaging carriages, sausages, wheat germ oil, music, and privacy into the format of content. The content machine's aims are to leave its structure inconspicuous, filling this transparent frame with the content.”
Tidy Room, performative installation, Poly Gallery, Karlsruhe, DE, 2017
Media Ecology, the essence of which can be reduced to the separation between medium and content, requires the establishment of the spectator's autonomy and suchwise brings into a political dimension. Instead of becoming another platform for ideology and propaganda, art may provide examples of media discernment.
Marika and Anton flew to Germany from Colombo with 40 euros in a pocket to do a month-long exhibition at POLY gallery. Artists did not count on receiving any money from it and were going to live (as usual) God only knows how; figuring it out by the way. The main topic on which the Aliens focused was Media Ecology.
Media Ecology as a term was coined by media theorist Marshall McLuhan in a general and rather metaphorical sense. Aliens redefined it more specifically as a phenomenological procedure for distinguishing media nesting within the Medium is a Message paradigm proposed by Marshall McLuhan.

Tidy Room, performative installation, Poly Gallery, Karlsruhe, DE, 2017

Tidy Room, performative installation, Poly Gallery, Karlsruhe, DE, 2017

Tidy Room, performative installation, Poly Gallery, Karlsruhe, DE, 2017

Tidy Room, performative installation, Poly Gallery, Karlsruhe, DE, 2017
Contemporary art is the artist’s work, determined by the tasks of creating, developing, and redefining the image of Contemporary as an ersatz space for human life in the conditions of ontological deprivation of the present tense. A&M