Metamorphosis, video, 2018

The route to the scene and artists' property served as a tool for the performative installation, presented in Mannheim in July 2018.
On the morning of July 19, 2018, artists' bikes rolled into the exhibition space of Port25. They threw the things on the floor — now this is an installation. Performing the artistic act, Marika Krasina and Anton Kryvulia turn things into art objects and then return them to everyday life. These funny and at the same time terrible transformations leave on the things a lasting trace. Things start to flicker in a permanent metamorphosis.
Metamorphosis, performative installation, Port 25, Mannheim, 2018
Metamorphosis, performative installation, Port 25, Mannheim, 2018
Metamorphosis, performative installation, Port 25, Mannheim, 2018
Metamorphosis, performative installation, Port 25, Mannheim, 2018
You may interpret the pathway as a series of miracles that let the event happen; the video captures how reality responds to the intention in conditions of complete chance. The axis of the work is a video projected on a tent. The duration of the sound performance is determined by the length of the video (forty-three minutes); it is about the way from Moscow to Mannheim: experience time turns to be looped and stops at the starting point.

Metamorphosis, performative installation details