Uffizi Gallery, Florence, November 2019

It happened so that on the day when we went to the Uffizi to watch Botticelli, the museum's direction decided to conduct exercises on the terrorist threat, with visitors as experimental material. Having received the order to remove everyone from the museum as quickly as possible, the museum caretakers turned on the alarm and began to do everything to complete it. People were arbitrarily transferred from their condition to the mass status. They suddenly turned out to be part of the object of power manipulation. 
There could be nothing strange if this happened at the train station. Still, in the museum, everything got the meaning of a performative situation in which truth is manifested as it usually happens by art's nature. Both visitors and staff felt this unpleasant truth. Often, the situation's strangeness does not correspond to any experience and, without barriers, leads to a gradual but rapid dehumanization. Five minutes later, the caretakers realized that we were recording a performance. Coming to the sense of the scene, they began to lose their temper, drag and push us right on the stairs, trying to grab the camera.
Quirk and flood.
Venice Biennale 58, November 2019
The video shows a not very successful attempt to get to the Biennale 58 exhibition in Venice during the worst flood in modern history. Anton wounded his legs with rubber boots so hard that he still has scars on both of his legs.
Lost and Found.
Thessaloniki Biennale: 7, November 2019
An alien surf through Thessaloniki Biennale 7, numb in anticipation of covid upheavals.
Panic in Palermo
Manifesta 12, Palermo, Italy. August 2019
Trying to get through the backdoor to the Manifesta exhibition, Rabota got lost in the corridors of the building, intended for sale immediately after the end of the exhibition, and discovered the hidden layers of the Event.
Three Idiot Questions.
Hip-Hop party in Budapest, May 2016
What do you like more: donuts or pancakes? Do you believe in God? What do you prefer, one million refugees now or two million then? Most people respond automatically, accepting the imposed absurd choice without hesitation. This research by Marika and Anton was conducted in Budapest, trying to identify mechanisms for the implantation of political and ideological discourses into the mass consciousness.
Event in the Semperoper Dresden.
September 2015
An exciting report of Mahler's 6th Symphony performance at the Semperoper in Dresden.